Tell Me A Story or Just Go Away

Tue May 14, 2024

Telling your customers a (brand story)

Today’s consumer does not want to be sold too. You can blame telemarketers and used car salespeople for the crappy reputation that accompanies sales. However, the true culprit is brands just got lazy. They started creating content and ads that jumped straight into sales and expected consumers to comply with their demands.

You would not do this in any other part of life. You would not go up to a good-looking stranger and propose marriage. A company does not call up a candidate and tell them they are hired before interviewing them. A connection must be made. Research must be done. A story must be told.

Sales VS Marketing

Sales is the act of trading your product for your target audience’s cash. However, this is the last step in a long journey. Marketing is the first dozen steps that proceed with it. Specifically, it is the story that you tell and the content you use as the vehicle to distribute it. If you tell the right story, you are more likely to get your customer to take your desired action.

What Is Brand Storytelling?

Yes, the end goal is to sell your product. However, it’s the story you tell that will get you there. For example, let’s say you are a software company that sells a product to help small businesses manage their finances. If you jump straight into your features and prices, you become like everyone else trying to sell the same thing. If you tell a story, you get their attention.

The story you tell is about why you started that company. Who are you trying to help with your solutions? Explaining that you understand their pain points and have created the solution they have been looking for. Your content should expand on this story by providing specific examples of the issues you solved and the types of people you help.

Storytelling = Lead Nurturing

If you try to make a sale right away, and the person isn’t ready, it is a waste of your time and money. However, if you tell that person about the features you offer and provide a few pieces of free advice, two things happen. First, that prospect connects your brand with being helpful and friendly. Second, they will remember this positive encounter the next time they engage with your company.

We all wish our target audience would see the value in our product on day one, but it does not work like that. Selling a product or service is usually a long game. First, you need to stay in front of your target audience without being annoying. The easiest way is to provide valuable content that solves an issue or explains a complex topic. You are basically saying, “I am here to help you and am asking nothing from you in return at this time.”

Let’s Recap

Content marketing and brand storytelling are about having a long-term conversation with your audience. The key is to provide value for free before you ever ask them to do anything for you. This method allows you to earn their trust before you earn their business.

We Should Talk

I would love to speak with you about these ideas and how I can implement them for your brand. Please use this link to book a free strategy call. Talk soon!

Kyle Grappone, Founder of Little Guy Ai
A former corporate marketing professional who is now trying to level the playing field for small businesses